Welcome to my Blog! Yes, I have been in the fight of my life against Leukemia, insomnia, depression, side effects of medications, molting skin, pooping my pants and this list goes on.... however, I still love my life, and that's what this blog is about Real Life. I hope to meet others who trails have brought them closer to the Lord and molded them for the next step in God's will. In January 2011 , my family, physician, and Be the Match was featured on a Fox 5 news story about bone marrow donors and transplants. In March, I was interviewed on Atlanta and Company along with Be the Match. I was chosen to sing the national anthem at the Be the Match Run last year and will also be doing it this year, along with some other songs. My team, no thanks to me, raised over $4,000 and raised more than any other team! Please join my team this year or consider donating here at the Run those Stem cells out ! Team I was also chosen for a patient advocacy panel for the international council meeting at Be the Match in MN in November. How exciting!! I ended up not being able to attend due to the relapse. I had hoped I could help raise awareness about how easy it is to sign up to be a donor and how many people need your help! Please go to bethematch.org and sign up! I was able to have my bone marrow (same as stem cell) transplant at the end of March thanks to a 22 year old donor oversees that I hope to meet her one day. As I came up on my 6th month mark and continued to add more normal activities to our lives, I relapsed, meaning that the that the cancer had mutated and the leukemia came back. I spent 2 more weeks at Emory and some other nights here and there and now I'm on a drug from the FDA. I have a compassion waiver so I am able to get it. I have to take it day by day sometimes hour by hour. Time keeps moving and my little girl is growing up. I'm lucky that I'm getting to see it. I continue to praise God for his wonderful blessings he has shown us including my wonderful husband Jonathan, baby girl Evalyn Rose, supportive family and friend, great medical care, new readers, and the chance to make a big difference, even if that means being a Lab Rat.
God Bless You!

Please read, comment, enjoy, learn, grow, LOVE LIFE.

Most Recently I have started a booth at a local consignment store with handmade jewelry from friends, crafts, and my own art from recycled materials. It is called DAY by DAY. God was very clear with me starting this. Please look over to the right of blog and click on Day by Day to see some pictures. I'm just getting started but I am taking orders from people that I know. You will be able to personalize items, etc. I just haven't decided how I will be selling them via internet yet. But for now, the jewelry is at A Weekend A'fair in Athens, GA and will hopefully be at some stores downtown soon.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Vacation Part 1- Hostel in the Forest

The Hostel in the Forest
The Hostel in the forest is a great place to get away. I call it glorified camping. You can stay in a tree house up in the air or down down. They provide and organic dinner, have free range chickens, which Evalyn kept calling ducks, a library, great people, and rely on compost, grey water systems, and other earth friendly things. I love it here and would one day like to work here for a month or so after Evalyn is bigger. 

We stayed in one of the rooms attached to the main dome so that I wouldn't have to walk that far, what good did it do us, but leave it to me to start the them a new project. One night coming out of our room a rotted board broke and I feel off the 4 stairs. Luckily, I didn't break anything except the bottle of wine I was donating to dinner. My elbow still hurts and I got some nasty brusies but other than that, they are now inspecting all the stairs. They have been working on a lot of new things the last couple of years and just really need to go back and make sure the old things are safe. Come to find out 2 more of my steps were rotted at the nail holes.

Evalyn found a drum just her size. This girl loves dancing and music and is pretty good at it. She has even started to make up her own songs. 

Evalyn got her share of boo boo's but would brush her hands off and say "I'm ok."  Well, most of the time. She is such a big girl now. Everyone there loved her and commented on how well behaved she was, except for our neighbor one morning when Evalyn was crying because we couldn't get dressed fast enough to get get her juice. Lesson learned, keep juice in cooler.

Not only can he dance, but Jonathan can hula hoop like a mad man. Here we are in the glass house. a place where they do yoga, massage, or whatever. There is a pond right there and we got to see the ducks and the chicks. 

We had a great time playing guitar, drums, and singing together around the fire. There were some really talented poeple there and always is. 

After the fall, I found it best not to go to sleep, afraid I might not be able to move in the  morning, so I went out in the boat with a friend. I saw 2 shooting stars!!

I made an awesome fire at 4:30 in the morning, you know, there had to be one in the morning.... this thing got pretty big. It was kinda scary at first, but it held through the night! Evalyn did great around the fire.

Sweet daddy and Evalyn. We are in our Pj's still... watching the chickens.

They have a lake and the water was nice. The dock has a net in the middle like a hammock. We had fun swimming and using our waterproof camera.  

I think she wanted to hug and kiss the ducks and chickens. Everyone had little babies. 

This is Pepper the main rooster. He doesn't care when he crows as long as you know that he knows he is in charge. He is so beautiful. One night, at dinner circle time, he was up in the tree saying his piece about something the whole time. 

Evalyn loved walking on all the trails and board walks. We were lucky with  ticks and bug bites and just had to use burts bees. 

About to embark to the dock with our tot and water proof camera!

She is part fish and has my web toes.

We had lots of kisses and hugs and lots of "sit here daddy" sit here mommy".

Poppa Bill played this game with me when I was little too. You honk the nose, pull the right ear and the tounge  goes left, etc. 

She did some yoga with me the last morning we were there at the glass house. 

Looking sleeping.... hopefully lunch and then the car ride to come. 

For those of you who thinks she never pitches a fit..... ha ha. 

Waiting on the side of the road for Daddy. She said she wanted to go home... of course we were on our way to the beach and she had an even better time there!!!

It was a great trip. Next time we will go when it it a little cooler. I was able to advocate for Be the Match a lot and also was able to mention everything the Lord has done in my life, our lives, since the cancer. On the way to Jekyll Island we stopped at the best BBQ resturant. Might not have been best for my tummy but it was yummy. Brunswick stew.... hmmmmm.   Off to the Beach! 

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