Welcome to my Blog! Yes, I have been in the fight of my life against Leukemia, insomnia, depression, side effects of medications, molting skin, pooping my pants and this list goes on.... however, I still love my life, and that's what this blog is about Real Life. I hope to meet others who trails have brought them closer to the Lord and molded them for the next step in God's will. In January 2011 , my family, physician, and Be the Match was featured on a Fox 5 news story about bone marrow donors and transplants. In March, I was interviewed on Atlanta and Company along with Be the Match. I was chosen to sing the national anthem at the Be the Match Run last year and will also be doing it this year, along with some other songs. My team, no thanks to me, raised over $4,000 and raised more than any other team! Please join my team this year or consider donating here at the Run those Stem cells out ! Team I was also chosen for a patient advocacy panel for the international council meeting at Be the Match in MN in November. How exciting!! I ended up not being able to attend due to the relapse. I had hoped I could help raise awareness about how easy it is to sign up to be a donor and how many people need your help! Please go to bethematch.org and sign up! I was able to have my bone marrow (same as stem cell) transplant at the end of March thanks to a 22 year old donor oversees that I hope to meet her one day. As I came up on my 6th month mark and continued to add more normal activities to our lives, I relapsed, meaning that the that the cancer had mutated and the leukemia came back. I spent 2 more weeks at Emory and some other nights here and there and now I'm on a drug from the FDA. I have a compassion waiver so I am able to get it. I have to take it day by day sometimes hour by hour. Time keeps moving and my little girl is growing up. I'm lucky that I'm getting to see it. I continue to praise God for his wonderful blessings he has shown us including my wonderful husband Jonathan, baby girl Evalyn Rose, supportive family and friend, great medical care, new readers, and the chance to make a big difference, even if that means being a Lab Rat.
God Bless You!

Please read, comment, enjoy, learn, grow, LOVE LIFE.

Most Recently I have started a booth at a local consignment store with handmade jewelry from friends, crafts, and my own art from recycled materials. It is called DAY by DAY. God was very clear with me starting this. Please look over to the right of blog and click on Day by Day to see some pictures. I'm just getting started but I am taking orders from people that I know. You will be able to personalize items, etc. I just haven't decided how I will be selling them via internet yet. But for now, the jewelry is at A Weekend A'fair in Athens, GA and will hopefully be at some stores downtown soon.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Daily Devotional 4/15

      The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. JN 10:10

As I come to you this morning Lord, my heart is heavy for young men and women caught in between lives circumstances and don't know where , of course a drop in steroids always causes some depression, or what to do next with their lives. I feel like that at times but God has given me pretty clear instructions about certain things in my life due to seeking him.... there is still a lot to figure out. There is so much pressure to CHOOSE something to do, and when someone does choose something it my not be Good enough according to others or themselves. How many teachers do you know that shouldn't be teaching anymore. They are burnt out and just waiting to retire. I would have been one of those. Two years in, although I still love to teach, children, and science, I asked my 4th grade teacher, whom I was working with at the time, in the same classroom I was in 5th grade, if she started now would she had "made it 30 years." She said no. I won't get into all the reasons I quit teaching but did follow God and found a wonderful job with Creative Consulting that not only fit my personality but my need to work independently while helping the most special people in the world, those with developmental disabilities. Now, besides surviving cancer, God has given me clear instructions not to go back to school in the fall, as if we need anymore loans, and instead focus on my many art ideas, music, open a consignment booth those items, and also get my many talented friends to let me sale some of their wonderful items. If course, I also have clear instructions that I need to learn to sew, and need to find someone to give me lessons because my chemo brain can't read long boring things.

So back to what I was saying. I have had someone say to me, "Heather, people just don't enjoy their job most of the time, it's just the way it is." I understand that to a certain exsent because you have to provide for your family and there my be a season where God has you somewhere you don't want to be. However, I do not feel that God wants to punish us 40 hours a week for a job that means nothing to us. You know that feeling, Sunday night, in the pit of your stomach, when you know you have to start the work day? I don't think it was the pizza you ate. I've had someone else tell me, my grandfather, " Once work became work, I quit and  found something else, life is too short." Every time I talk to him. I find out about ( just had to stop and call him right now cause I miss him) a new job that he had. As I said before, he didn't even go to medical school until he was 30, with a wife and 2 kids! I think he has a good idea... that when people get out of highschool, they should have to do a year of service somewhere in the USA and not in their hometown. This would give them time to explore different things, get out of their element, away from pressure of others, and encouragement to seek the Lord in decisions. I tell you what... I can't separte my life into different pieces, I can't sit there and dread something day after day.

 If I would have listened to God in the first place, I would have joined the Air Force and then went to medical school. However, at 20 years old, I was seeking anything but God. I hope that people that I tell that too learn from my mistakes. Praise the Lord that he knows all paths and is able to turn things around so that I could still love the job I had and miss, and now have even more wonderful opportunities opening up, including singing more, the consignment booth, being on the entertainment committee for Be the Match, and many more.

There is a book I read by Donald Miller, right before my cancer turned back, called " A million miles in a thousand years: How I learned to live a better story."   I could not have read it at a better time. It made me realize that I'm a tree in a giant forest and God will and plan surpass everything. I've seen it.... this horrible cancer, has change others besides me, it has cause people to sign up for be the match. It has brought me closer to the Lord. And we are waiting to hear if it will save a 4 year old in CA. God convicted me to seek out my dreams, to "make something from nothing." Now that can be scary. Taking off to the Air Force, moving across country for a travel job for a year, going back to school, making a career change when your already "vested". It's called a leap of faith. It's about stepping out and believing that God will catch you even when we can't see the next step. You can't just set in an intersection forever but getting off the road before you make a rash decision is wise. We think nothing of getting on the crazy roads and putting our lives in others hands. Yet we continue to work ourselves to death to keep up a standard of living we don't even get to enjoy.  Then a lot of people, not everyone, get their life sucked away by the boob tube, or having the perfect lawn, or whatever because they are too tired or stress to do anything else. Then what happens to your hobbies, your convictions to help others, your desire to take care of yourselves..... right down the potty.  I believe that God wants to be apart of ever aspect of our lives... not just serving in church, but everywhere and anywhere.... "This little light of mine......"

Daniel and I went to eat on Friday an there was this saying... I'm going to get it wrong so I'm have to fix this later. It said something like, "Faith is when you believe in the next step even when you can't see it with your eyes."  Yea that's not it... I'll get it right.

I leave you with a song..... click the link.


Have a blessed day!

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