Welcome to my Blog! Yes, I have been in the fight of my life against Leukemia, insomnia, depression, side effects of medications, molting skin, pooping my pants and this list goes on.... however, I still love my life, and that's what this blog is about Real Life. I hope to meet others who trails have brought them closer to the Lord and molded them for the next step in God's will. In January 2011 , my family, physician, and Be the Match was featured on a Fox 5 news story about bone marrow donors and transplants. In March, I was interviewed on Atlanta and Company along with Be the Match. I was chosen to sing the national anthem at the Be the Match Run last year and will also be doing it this year, along with some other songs. My team, no thanks to me, raised over $4,000 and raised more than any other team! Please join my team this year or consider donating here at the Run those Stem cells out ! Team I was also chosen for a patient advocacy panel for the international council meeting at Be the Match in MN in November. How exciting!! I ended up not being able to attend due to the relapse. I had hoped I could help raise awareness about how easy it is to sign up to be a donor and how many people need your help! Please go to bethematch.org and sign up! I was able to have my bone marrow (same as stem cell) transplant at the end of March thanks to a 22 year old donor oversees that I hope to meet her one day. As I came up on my 6th month mark and continued to add more normal activities to our lives, I relapsed, meaning that the that the cancer had mutated and the leukemia came back. I spent 2 more weeks at Emory and some other nights here and there and now I'm on a drug from the FDA. I have a compassion waiver so I am able to get it. I have to take it day by day sometimes hour by hour. Time keeps moving and my little girl is growing up. I'm lucky that I'm getting to see it. I continue to praise God for his wonderful blessings he has shown us including my wonderful husband Jonathan, baby girl Evalyn Rose, supportive family and friend, great medical care, new readers, and the chance to make a big difference, even if that means being a Lab Rat.
God Bless You!

Please read, comment, enjoy, learn, grow, LOVE LIFE.

Most Recently I have started a booth at a local consignment store with handmade jewelry from friends, crafts, and my own art from recycled materials. It is called DAY by DAY. God was very clear with me starting this. Please look over to the right of blog and click on Day by Day to see some pictures. I'm just getting started but I am taking orders from people that I know. You will be able to personalize items, etc. I just haven't decided how I will be selling them via internet yet. But for now, the jewelry is at A Weekend A'fair in Athens, GA and will hopefully be at some stores downtown soon.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Nov. 12th MJ, Talk to me people, Cool Gifts!

MEDICAL MJ.... that's medical mumbo jumbo.... for those of you that thought it was MJ for Michael Jackson,well, that's fine, I still love him even if he died on my birthday.   Thank God I'm in my right mind and can ask advocate for myself. Oh my peeps..... I miss advocating for you.  Ok.... so we are still having some communication issues here.... and I'm trying not to pitch a fit. I have already expressed my anger is some words that my mother doesn't like to hear me say. Better not, they might try to give me something for it.  I thought I had taken care of this yesterday when I talked to my doc, fellow, and the nurse. They all apologized for giving me incorrect information and that would indeed start the chemo on Sat and be jacked up on steroids for 4 days. Yesterday, I sat down with my nurse and we went over my orders for the next week. It is important to me to know what is going to happen each day, to a certain extent, mainly because if someone is driving 2 hours to see me I don't want to be laying flat on my back for an hour after a spinal tap. Makes sense to me. I thought it made sense to them yesterday. I am ok with last minute changes if they are needed for my health care. If my labs come back in the am and I have to get 10 bags of blood, I'm not going to be upset if I had planned to go on a walk. Well..... last night around 7pm.... my Mable (nice nurse).... came and said " We have your platelets ordered for your lumbar puncture tomorrow afternoon." WHHHHAAATTTT? So, I realize that if I take my right hand and put it over the right side of my face, and talk like that.... Heather is getting angry ( I love that Seinfield)   She was super nice and paged both doctors since everyone was not on the same page. She heard back that I indeed was getting the chemo in the spine again..... OK cool.... I can handle that. 
            So all in all the LB is a piece of cake and it was so fast today because the Dr. did it first and I was not practiced on by a fellow.... fine by me because my sweetie came to see me today and I have not seen him since Sunday and Sunday I was really hurting. We went to see the little gardens at the clinic. I of course had to wear my mask...... I drew a smiley face on the mask with a marker. I got a lot of smiles back. Some doctor drew me a silly picture of a balloon stand that said 25 cents and gave it to me while I was waiting on by CT. Yep.... got a CT today.... just because of a little sinus pressure. Good thing I did because the 2 transport people and my CT person had never heard of be the match and how easy it is to sign up. They all said they would look it up tonight. I played around in my wheelchair for a little while.... I don't need one.... but they get someone to take to in one for any tests.  I was doing circles and working on my moves because I was the only person in the waiting area. The tech came out and asked if I needed anything. "Nope... just playing with the chair."  " ok " she said. 
   **Visits**      My cuz Andy and aunt Lisa came for a visit today. We had a little picnic in the room with some cheese, apples, and carrots. My aunt Lisa bought me the prettiest dress ever!!! It is so me! Andy went to the trouble to find me a nice sleep mask so when I'm really sensitive to light I can wear that instead of wrapping my head up like a turbine. As I said, Jonathan came to visit today. He brought me a Locos burger.... yummy. He also brought some more stuff from home such as my color pencils, paper, clothes, the digital frame, the baby book, and the camera. I officially have all the good electronics. I don't feel too bad about it. We briefly saw my uncle Teddy today. He comes to the clinic for treatment also, we may be here on the same days. My sister in law, Kristi, is coming this evening. I can't wait to see her baby bump!! 
               I've been playing my guitar and I'm working on some new songs and some old ones that I have forgotten. That has been fun. My Friday night is going to be low key.... guitar, download some pics, some phone calls, work out my arms, do some reading. Kinda nice to have time to do these things. I only have 2 more weeks till I can go home.... only.   


  1. Heather,
    Just wanted to let you know I'm keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for letting us know at the office.
    Paula (your phone nurse at Womens Healthcare)

    Paula Briscoe

  2. I miss you. I hope Sunday is ok. Sounds like they're messing around with you too much! You don't need to be upset right now. I know that they're trying to help you but everybody needs to get on the same page. Maybe there could be a slot for a patient representative who could be responsible for better communication between doctors, caregivers & their victims! Got some good fruit for you today incl. Concords! Susan had her back surgery yesterday & is doing really well. Well, just checking in & letting you know I'm praying. They've done scientific studies that a collective conscious does have power.We already knew that! It's called God, people!
    judy warren

  3. Dear Heather,
    Hang in there! Tell Johnathan that we will be up Mon. AM so we can take him and Evalyn out for his birthday lunch.Let us know his favorite resturant and we will try to bget you a "doggie bag" for you.If he's not up to going out lets ua know his favorite take out.
    Love Dan and Judy
    judy kelty

  4. Heather,

    You have been in my thoughts - I'm sending you lots of positive energy!

    Having seen you give birth with amazing strength and grace, I know you have it in you to fight this battle.

    I love that you are giving the staff and medical providers the scoop on how to make things better for patients. Only you could turn this into an advocacy project!

    I was thinking that if they don't make clear masks, maybe you can just draw on your mask the mouth that reflects how you feel that day? Gosh, there's a small business opportunity for making "mood masks" if that hasn't been patented yet.

    Here's to hoping that your mask always wears a smile. Much love,

    Meredith Turner

  5. ou have always been a little silly :) Look at it this way..... time is on my side right now!
    Heather Cape
